Anal Retentiveness

Grammer Pole of the Weak: Got Any Fun Weekend Plans?

Everybody’s working for the weekend. But for now, while you’re still stuck at work, you should take a look at our latest Grammer Pole of the Weak, a column where we turn questions of English grammar and usage over to our readers for discussion and debate. Last week, we found out that even federal judges […]

English Grammar and Usage

Grammer Pole of the Weak: It’s All Right?

Here at Above the Law, we've been discussing English grammar and usage forever -- well, at least since 2006. We've now decided to formalize the discussion. Every Friday we will raise an issue of grammar, spelling, or style, in our newest ATL feature: Grammer Pole of the Weak. Today's topic: "all right" versus "alright." Let's discuss....

English Grammar and Usage

A Random Friday Poll: One Space or Two Between Sentences?

Members of this profession really, really like rules, especially rules about proper English grammar and usage. Be it confusion over a homophone, misuse of a hyphen, or incorrect placement of a semicolon, every grammar Nazi has a special place reserved in his heart for the idiot who screws these things up. And that is why the topic of last week's reader poll was about how many spaces one should use between sentences....